Getting Aquainted With The Roulette Game

winning roulette system

The game of roulette is one of the most popular gambling games in history. It originated in France during the eighteenth century and has been an instant hit ever since. From France, it spread through Europe and America. It’s a very easy and exciting game making it a favorite among gamblers, whether it’s a real casino or a virtual one on the internet. There are two kinds of the game, namely European and American. They are a little different compared to each other, but the rules are more or less the same. Europeans use a single zero wheel, while the American roulette uses the double zero wheel. Basically, roulette is nothing more than a game of chance. Although there are roulette strategies that are employed to predict the end resutls of the game, but most of the time, it is mostly out of luck.

Regarding the Game of Roulette

Usually, The roulette game is a staple game in casinos. Six to eight players can accommodate a table. The game does not require the players to know any card skill unlike poker, although the odds are almost the same. A roulette player can strike it rich in a single round, but the reverse can happen anytime as well.

Roulette literally means “small wheel” in French which is the main focus of the game. It’s a wheel with a tilted circular track and colored numbered pockets outline its circumference. When the game begins, the dealer spins the wheel at one direction and the ball in another. The primary objective of the game is to bet on the right number where the ball will land in at the end of the spin. Next to the wheel is a layout of the numbers on the wheel where players can set their bets. Players can decide on their bets until the dealer signals “no more bets” and spins the wheel.

The player can bet on a number, group of numbers, color of the roulette wheel, and odd or even. Bets are classified into inside or outside bets. Inside bets involve numbers while outside bets comprise of groups of numbers, red or black, odd or even numbers.

Inside bets

1. Straight up – Bet on any particular number. Chips are placed squarely on a number.
2. Split – Any bet on any two numbers next to each other. Chips are placed on the line between the pair either horizontally or vertically.
3. Street – Bet on any three numbers on a single line. Chips are placed at the edge of last number on the line.
4. Corner – Bet on any four numbers within in square layout. The chips are placed on the intersection between the four numbers.
5. Six line – Bet on two streets next to each other. Chips are placed in the intersection.
6. Trio – Bet on 0, 1, 2 or 0, 2, 3. The chips are placed at their intersecting points.

Outside Bets

1. 1 to 18 – Bet on any number on the first low eighteen.
2. 19 to 36 – Bet on any number in the last high eighteen.
3. Red or Black – Bet on any color on the wheel.
4. Odd or even – Bet on an even or odd number.
5. Dozen bets – Bet on either the first, second or third setoff twelve numbers.
6. Column bets – A bet on twelve numbers at any of the vertical lines.